I know, it's been more than half an year, but I finally have some more of my notes. So without further ado, Miss Ashley Batte...
In response to me stating "I'm checking my grades."
Batte: "What?!? Oh, I heard something totally different. I heard "I'm dissecting grapes".
Out of nowhere...
Batte: "Dang... I still have soda in my nose."
Batte: "Ugh, I choked on spit!"
While eating ribs...
Batte: I don't want to get any of this in my eyes..."
After looks of stupification all around, it was followed by...
Batte: You guys don't know! You've never had meat in your eye!"
Batte walked out of a relatively cold building, to walk across the parking lot during 120 + degree heat, walked into my office, to say...
"Cornbread sounds so good right now",
and then walked back across the parking lot, and back into her office.
On a side tangent, Batte (for some reason) HATES the word moist. With that being said...
Me:" Batte, what's better than a moist cake?"
Batte: " A fluffy iced cake. Oh, or better yet, a fluffy muffin!"
More to follow, eventually.